
Sunday 18 September 2016

Things I Love

Eeriness of the silent night
The sound of the tidal waves crushing against the rocks
To walk over the footprints on the beach
To see if I could fit in

No story is symmetrical
Each has its own twists and plots;
The sound of the laughter
Contradicts the silent cry
That couldn't be heard

Castles built on the sand,
Getting washed away in a pulse
Yet again, another one is built
Like a constant battle

Holding every ounce of it
So gracefully,
The sand and the beach
Are the things I love! 

Friday 20 May 2016

Mother's Day

"I love my Mom." We all do, don't we? But as we grow up, we forget all the sweet memories she has created for us by sacrificing her own happiness, to make us what we are today. We don't remember the hard times when she held our hand tight, and promised us that things will get alright or the times she made us happy by fulfilling all our wishes. With the growth of civilization (what we call it modernization today), we are letting the greed of living a luxury life to take over our virtues. There are 728 Old Age homes in India today. The number of resident in old-age home is increasing manifold. This poem gives a gruesome picture of the reality. Happy Mother's Day Humming happily along the music The oven sent out a ping, Adding to the joyous song The dishes were ready Pressure cooker whistled its final blow The kids clapped along, Drooling over the mouth-watering dishes Gluttonously munched on the brunch Mother filled her champagne glass A sweet smile on their faces A handmade card to celebrate The Mother’s day, A picture of a lady hugging her children The words written on it- “You’re the best Mom…” She couldn't hold her tears As she recalled this day, Where now she sits in an old-age home Abandoned by her children Celebrating Mother’s day Alone.

Sunday 24 January 2016

My Quirky Friend

Her eyes glisten with a mysterious smile
Every sentence dribbles out
Of her mouth
In a jocular mood...

Crack the codes if you can,
There you go, my friend
A hearty laugh fills the room.

With her loud laughter
Grabs everyone’s attention;
Couldn't be hidden
Just sing it along.

Her quirkiness and weirdness
Keeps the group alive
Oh, she has her list of
Dos and don’t’s
Yet makes every heart smile.

A drama queen,
We like to call her
She triumphs at her pseudonym
And rejoice at her perkiness.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.